Sattar Mohbaliyev: “Azerbaijani youth is a real example of heroism for future generations”


“Historically, young people have been the main driving force of society and played an important role in determining the future development of each state. Their role has always been highly valued in our country, and all conditions have been created for their promising activities. Great Leader Heydar Aliyev paid special attention to the youth, both during his leadership of Soviet Azerbaijan and as the President of our independent republic, doing everything at the state level to help them grow up and be educated in a healthy environment, acquire modern scientific knowledge and grow as professionals. Relevant documents were signed on various areas of youth policy, special attention was paid to their socialization, various programs were prepared, meetings were held, and projects were implemented. In short, youth policy was an important aspect of the Great Leader’s political activity’’.

 This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

According to him, the establishment of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 1994 by the decree of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was a significant event in the life of Azerbaijani youth. The Ministry ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in this area by coordinating the activities of individual government agencies in the field of youth work. Following the initiative of the National Leader to organize a youth forum in 1995, Azerbaijani youth forums have been held since 1996. It also plays an important role in increasing the role of youth in society, increasing their participation and responsibility in the future development of the country, and exchanging views among the country’s youth. By the Decree signed by the Great Leader on February 2, 1997, February 2 was declared the Youth Day of Azerbaijan. Since then, Youth Day has been solemnly celebrated in our country every year.

Many documents signed by the Great Leader on youth created comprehensive conditions for more active participation of youth in the socio-political life of the republic in general, defined the goals, principles and directions, organizational and legal bases of youth policy.

S.Mohbaliyev noted that the youth policy founded by the Great Leader is successfully continued today by President Ilham Aliyev and young people play an exceptional role in the dynamic development of our country: ‘’The proclamation of 2007 as the “Year of Youth” has led to an increase in the activity of young people in the socio-political and cultural life of the country. The implementation of state programs serving the welfare of young people has made significant contributions to the development of youth potential and employment. Our state ensures the activity of young people in the process of state building and in the socio-political life of the country, the potential, strength, knowledge and skills of creative youth are highly valued. Also, continuous work is being done to solve the educational and social problems of young people, to create a creative environment for them, to eliminate the social and domestic problems of young families’’.

“The 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with a brilliant victory, was a great test for the youth of Azerbaijan. It was their sense of patriotism and high fighting spirit that liberated our occupied lands for only 44 days in almost 30 years, each of which fought valiantly against the occupying enemy. The Patriotic War has shown that they have been brought up in the spirit of loyalty to the state and love for the Motherland, and will always stand with dignity in guarding our independence, sovereignty and statehood. We hope that the new generations will follow the example of today’s Azerbaijani youth, who have shown great unity and heroism, and will continue their path with honor’’.

The ATUC chairman said that the Azerbaijani trade unions, the largest public organization in the country, actively support the youth policy defined by the state within their powers. The unification of the majority of young people in the ranks of trade unions further increases the responsibility of our organization in this direction.

“With the support of the ATUC, forums of young trade union leaders are held every summer, as well as awareness-raising courses are organized to increase the number of young people in the governing structures of trade unions. Every year, more than 100 young people improve their knowledge and skills in these courses. In addition, higher and secondary education institutions establish established scholarships for outstanding students and award them. The ATUC has also established the honorary title of “Professional Youth of the Year” and evaluates young people who are distinguished by their professionalism in the activities of the trade union. So far, more than 300 young people from 27 trade unions have been awarded this honorary title’’.

Mohbaliyev stressed that the Azerbaijani trade unions will continue to successfully work with young people, actively support all the work done by the state in this direction:I once again congratulate our youth on Youth Day and wish them great success in the further development of our state. Happy holiday, Azerbaijani youth!