On the occasion of Youth Day the meeting was holding at the MWTU.


February 2 – İn connection with the Youth Day of Azerbaijan, the Metro Workers’ Trade Union held a meeting with Ilkin Badirkhanov, a metropolitan employee who won a gold medal at the World Cup in universal combat by raising the Azerbaijani flag.

At the meeting, the Chairman of the MWTU Arif Mardanov spoke about the youth policy of our country. He said that President Ilham Aliyev’s measures aimed at realizing the potential of young people, their development as patriotic, educated personnel, social security of young families should be assessed as an indicator of the state’s far-sighted policy: «Youth policy has created conditions for increasing the role of the young generation in the socio-political life, becoming a leading force in the country, and the formation of creative youth in general. As a result of the state’s support and attention to young people, the confidence of the Azerbaijani youth in themselves, their strength and talent has increased». A. Mardanov noted that our heroic young people, who fought for the Motherland in the ranks of the brave Azerbaijani army, wrote their names in golden letters in the recent history of our people: «Thanks to their bravery, this glorious victory restored the territorial integrity of our country, and after thirty years of longing, our people were reunited with our historical lands.Along with the battles for the homeland, our young people have been very active in the rear, actively participated in bringing to the attention of the international community the truth about our country, the acts of vandalism committed by the enemy and the occupying Armenians in our ancient lands».

Thanking for the organized meeting and attention, Ilkin Badirkhanov spoke about the state’s attention and care for young people.He stressed that all conditions are created in our country for young people to acquire modern scientific knowledge, grow up in a healthy environment and use their potential.

At the end, Ilkin Badirkhanov was thanked for his achievements as a young man in the field of sports and presented a gift.