The ATUC responded to unfounded allegations against him in the press


We regret to say that some news sites contain biased articles that undermine the activities of Azerbaijani trade unions, which are far from the truth and do not refer to the facts. Of course, the Azerbaijani trade unions have repeatedly responded to baseless allegations in this regard, and all of them are completely untrue and slanderous.

In response to the unfounded allegations made in the press against the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) and its chairman, we state that the ATUC regulates labor relations, protects workers’ rights, organizes their social protection, leisure time, Carries out activities in accordance with the requirements of the day in order to establish normal labor relations between managers and employees, eliminate possible conflicts and protect the legitimate interests of employees. In the last three years alone, the ATUC has received a total of 434,107 appeals on various topics, 96% of which have been resolved. During these years, 410 illegally dismissed workers were reinstated with the help of trade unions, and 1,257 people were prevented from being fired in accordance with the law. In general, if we look at the statistics, we can see that trade unions have defended the rights of hundreds of thousands of workers.

There are 8 sanatoriums and one medical boarding house operating under the ATUC. 6 of the sanatoriums are open all year round and 2 are seasonal. Every year, thousands of trade union members are provided with referrals, and all conditions are created for their normal treatment. The ATUC chairman regularly visits trade union sanatoriums with the participation of media representatives, gets acquainted with the conditions on the spot, and is interested in how to organize treatment and recreation.

Accusing the ATUC of issuing referrals shows that some news sites are unaware of the rules. We would like to remind these sites that every year hundreds of thousands of trade union members are provided with vouchers with their families, and all conditions are created for their normal rest. It should be noted that these referrals are given to union members not by the ATUC, but by trade union committees operating in the workplace. A trade union member pays only 15% of the fare. One out of every 10 referrals given to union members by the first union is free. In this regard, the ATUC’s activity in issuing referrals is only to ensure a transparent quarterly distribution of referrals among field trade unions. If anyone has a specific negative fact, they should submit it to law enforcement agencies. Then they can help us.

In December 1992, Sattar Mohbaliyev was elected chairman of the new body – the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation. The ATUC, which voluntarily unites the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and 26 branch trade unions, has been worthily represented in the International Labor Organization since 1992. It has been a member of the International Trade Union Confederation since 2000 and the General Confederationof Trade Unions since 2004 and actively participates in events organized by these international organizations.

The ATUC’s international prestige is growing day by day. Its cooperation and relations with many countries make a great contribution to the international trade union movement. The General Confederation of Trade Unions and the International Trade Union Confederation set an example for other trade unions. It is no coincidence that the international prestige of Azerbaijani trade unions, as well as ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev, was elected vice president of the International Trade Union Confederation in May 2014, and vice president of the Pan-European Regional Council in December 2015.

As for the membership fees paid for trade unions, we note that 88% of the collected membership fees remain in the primary trade union organizations and the Republican Committees, and 12% are transferred to the ATUC. ATUC and its chairman have repeatedly told journalists about the payment of membership fees and the direction in which they are spent. We reiterate that expenditures are monitored by trade union control and inspection commissions. At the same time, reports on where the money is spent are given at meetings, conferences and congresses.During the first 9 months of 2020 and 2021, the ATUC spent a total of 21,933,446 AZN in connection with the pandemic and the Great Patriotic War. Thus, during the 44-day war, ATUC and its member organizations provided 1,036,815 AZN to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund, 594,770 AZN to the YASHAT Foundation, 600,000 AZN to the Karabakh Revival Fund, and those living near the Armed Forces and the frontline.1,610,771 AZN was transferred to war-affected residents and150,000 AZN to trade unions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

In addition, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan allocated 200,000 AZN in accordance with the Memorandum of Cooperation to assist in the organization of self-employment of vulnerable groups. Thus, during this period, about 200,000 citizens were provided with financial assistance in one form or another.

The ATUC and its member organizations provided a total of 1,915,913 AZN in financial assistance to the families of martyrs and veterans, who are always in the spotlight. 13,735 martyrs’ families and veterans received one-time assistance. 274 children from 164 martyrs’ families have been taken into care and will receive monthly financial assistance until the age of 18.

The ATUC, which was particularly active during the pandemic, provided a total of 4,833,163 manat to 114,724 low-income families and a total of 8,261,340 manat to 117,203 people. Also, 632,672 manat was transferred to the Coronavirus Support Fund and 705,000 manat to the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s Regional Development Public Union. To protect against infection, 1,568,775 pieces of protective equipment worth more than 10 different names worth 1,593,002 manat were purchased and distributed among employees.

As for the inactivity of the ATUC and its chairman, we state that the body, which always focuses on the protection of the rights of its members, made more than 120 proposals on labor rights in the process of drafting the Labor Code in 1999, and most of them were taken into account. Also, in 1993-2003, ATUC actively participated in the process of preparation and examination of about 50 normative acts.

Sattar Mohbaliyev copes with his duties as a deputy with dignity. He is active in all debates in the parliament, in the adoption of laws, speaks on a daily basis, meets regularly with voters, is interested in their concerns, takes measures in accordance with the law to realize their wishes. There is regular information about it in the press.

Sattar Mohbaliyev’s activity as both ATUC chairman and MP pays special attention to the families of martyrs, veterans, veterans of the first and second Karabakh wars. This is clear from the statistics we have presented above, as well as in the press. It should be noted that Sattar Mohbaliyev’s brother Ahmad Mohbaliyev took part in the First Karabakh War, was martyred for special heroism and was awarded the “Flag of Azerbaijan” order. In short, Sattar Mohbaliyev is also a martyr’s family.