Sattar Mohbaliyev: “Selfless services of World Azerbaijanis made a worthy contribution to our victory”


“December 31 – the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis is celebrated every year by our compatriots in a solemn and good mood, regardless of where they live. Interest in this holiday is growing every year.Celebrating the holiday has become a necessity for all Azerbaijanis around the world. This is very important in connecting with more than 50 million Azerbaijanis living in more than 70 countries, creating unity and solidarity between them.Even though they belong to another nation, the representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora who were born and raised in Azerbaijan show solidarity with our compatriots. Our compatriots are united in almost all the fateful issues of our people, our state, and this unity is at the root of our existence.If we look at history, we will see that as a nation, we have managed to overcome the most difficult challenges by uniting our interests and establishing a common position. Great Leader HeydarAliyev has always considered it his strategic task to ensure the unity of our people and the solidarity of Azerbaijanis, and he has achieved historic success in this direction.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, MP SattarMohbaliyev.

According to him, on the direct initiative of National Leader HeydarAliyev, who dedicated his life to his people and state, the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic decided to celebrate December 31 as a holiday of solidarity of Azerbaijanis around the world at a meeting chaired by him on December 16, 1991.”This was a very important decision for a country that has just regained its independence, and the subsequent course of historical processes has repeatedly proved the importance of this decision. Then the Azerbaijani parliament adopted this decision for the whole country, and this was the beginning of a very honorable mission in terms of uniting Azerbaijanis.

“The First Congress of World Azerbaijanis held in Baku on November 9-10, 2001 at the initiative of national leader HeydarAliyev had a positive impact on the policy of solidarity beyond our borders, the organization of people who consider Azerbaijan their homeland, the formation of communities, increasing activity and increasing patriotism.Just after that, significant progress was made in conveying the truth about Azerbaijan to the world, promoting our national and moral values, and preventing ideological provocations by Armenian lobby circles. Other congresses held later, thanks to the measures taken, managed to turn Azerbaijanis from the diaspora into a lobby and increase the number of organizations. Today, they also play an important role in the socio-political life of the countries in which they exist, “he said.

S.Mohbaliyev noted that our compatriots living abroad demonstrated great unity while the Azerbaijani Armed Forces under the leadership of the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief IlhamAliyev cleared our occupied lands from the enemy with a counter-offensive:”They resolutely fought to prevent the provocations of the enemy and anti-Azerbaijani circles, to convey the truth of the war to the world. If you remember, when the enemy fired missiles at our cities far from the conflict zone and targeted civilians, our compatriots held protests in their countries, in front of international and regional organizations, conveying Armenia’s treacherous intentions to the world.In short, they fulfilled their duty during the war with dignity and had a great share in our victory. We believe that our solidarity will be further strengthened, and we will work harder to demonstrate unity for the development and prosperity of our state and homeland. May our flag always be high, our state strong and our unity eternal. ”