The sacred attitude to our flag is a manifestation of our patriotism


On behalf of the numerous members of the Azerbaijani trade unions and myself, I sincerely congratulate all the people of Azerbaijan on November 9 – National Flag Day. On May 28, in 1918, our people with great difficulty established the independent state of Azerbaijan and raised our flag to the skies of the Motherland and declared our independence to the whole world.Since that day, our moon-star, tricolor flag has become a symbol of our love for our statehood, homeland, independence, and has become one of the main factors of our national solidarity and close unity around a common ideology.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

According to him, despite being in the Soviet Union for 70 years, our people, despite all the pressure, did not forget the symbol of statehood, turned it into a source of love of freedom and independence, our flag became an inspiration for the struggle for independence. He laid the foundation of our independence by signing a historic decision and raising our tricolor, crescent and octagonal star flag to the skies of our Motherland again. The establishment of our flag as a state symbol of independent Azerbaijan is also connected with the name of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. Our tricolor flag was approved in the Constitution of Azerbaijan, prepared under his leadership and adopted by a nationwide referendum in 1995. Today, our flag proudly waves in front of international and regional organizations, recognizing our existence and strength to the whole world. ”

“The commitment of President Ilham Aliyev to national ideals, who successfully continues his political line in modern independent Azerbaijan, which the national leader left us, is also evident in his attitude to our tricolor flag. Thus, in order to ensure respect and esteem for state symbols, President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on November 17, 2009 “On the establishment of the State Flag Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan.” Since then, November 9 has been marked as the State Flag Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Since then, November 9 has been marked as the State Flag Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This plays an important role in educating the younger generation in the spirit of respect for state symbols, strengthening the spirit of patriotism in them, “said MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

He added that thanks to the unparalleled heroism of the Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of Muzaffar Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, our tricolor flag is flying with great pride in liberated East Zangazur and Karabakh. it will wave with pride. ”