The president of every Azerbaijani


The most important criterion for the attitude to power in every society is the level of satisfaction of a citizen. This criterion determines the real picture, the nature of state-civil relations, acting in our time not only as a political , but also as a moral and psychological category. Practice shows that one of the main conditions for the satisfaction of citizens is the formation of human resources that meet the requirements of the time, the creation of a public administration system based on flexible and functional mechanisms. In other words, it is the leader, who is the representative of public interests, who in his activity turns selfless service to the people and civic satisfaction into the highest goal.
Having entered a new stage of development after the historic victory we won in 2020, Azerbaijan, despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, is completing 2021 with serious indicators of socio-economic development: It is no coincidence that there is a serious interest on a global scale in the national development model that ensures the continuity of the economic progress of our republic. The time when he was the supreme ruler, based on real results, proves how far-sighted the foundations of the development strategy were determined, the foundation of which was laid by the great leader Heydar Aliyev and put Azerbaijan in the lead.

The new challenges of the modern world dictate new criteria in governance, highlighting the responsibility of those who have assumed the leadership mission to the people and the state. The political professionalism of the person who heads the state, his commitment to his people, his homeland, his orientation to the processes of development in the global plane on the national progress of the country depends on his political professionalism, foresight, devotion to his people, Homeland. If we carefully consider the activities of the country’s leadership over the past 18 years, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who has confidently continued the strategy defined by national leader Heydar Aliyev with great wisdom since 2003, we will see how accurately these conditions have justified themselves in the activities of the head of state.

The successes achieved in recent years as a result of the purposeful policy pursued by the Head of State are based on the factor of loyalty to the traditions of national statehood. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, building his policy within the framework of this tradition, formulated the concept of statehood on the basis of an ideological course, the author of which is the great leader Heydar Aliyev. One of the important points influencing the strengthening of the status of Mr. Ilham Aliyev in public opinion as an uncontested leader in the current reality is the appeal of the head of state to a sufficiently perfect political doctrine – the philosophy of national statehood of the great leader Heydar Aliyev.
The transformation of the head of state into a phenomenal leader, with whom all political poles are calculated in Azerbaijani and world politics, against the background of the proud results of the Patriotic War, is an indisputable reality arising from the logic of objective processes. The political and state activities of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the steps he has taken in the sphere of domestic and foreign policy, logically complement each other. The attitude of the head of state to the events and processes taking place both in the country and outside our republic is unambiguous and precise. Regardless of the nature of the audience, the President of Azerbaijan clearly conveys his thoughts and thoughts about new plans and prospects facing our independent state at all moments of communication with people. Every speech of the head of state testifies that he has a high level of knowledge in all important spheres of society. A balanced approach to all issues testifies to the theoretical and practical preparation of the speeches of the President of Azerbaijan.

Going beyond political illusions and populism, approaching problems from a rational position and a real situation, foresight, pragmatism form the portrait of Ilham Aliyev as a perfect and wise politician. All these qualities complement the high sense of purpose, intelligence, energy, potential, business acumen that he possesses. Mr. Ilham Aliyev with the ability inherent in all wise statesmen to communicate with everyone, to overcome the psychological barrier between the president and the citizen. And this inspires the head of state with great sympathy and trust of the people. In his speeches, the Head of State not only expresses his attitude to political events and problems, but also shows the further dynamics of processes, ways to solve problems.

President Ilham Aliyev managed to clearly outline a strategic roadmap leading to the sustainable success of the independent Azerbaijani state, which he wanted to create and develop as a civilized European country on solid foundations formed by the great leader Heydar Aliyev. It is this roadmap that has made Azerbaijan one of the leaders worldwide in terms of economic development over the past decade. It is an indisputable fact that our country, acting as the initiator and guarantor of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, TAP, TANAP, Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line, has assumed the mission of energy security of the European region.

The main essence of conceptual changes in every society is to put a person in the center of attention: if the processes of democratization in management are aimed at reforms, then reforms affect the fate of every person in society. We are talking about the emergence of fundamentally new foundations of interaction between the individual and the government, the formation of a new style of interaction between the individual and the state. In this regard, in recent years, the democratic transformation in Azerbaijan has acquired a completely new content and form. The increase in the material well-being of citizens as a result of a successfully implemented economic strategy has created a favorable ground for an adequate understanding of the processes of democratization in society. In our republic, which has entered an active phase of development, in recent years a favorable economic, political, and spiritual environment has been formed for the development and total awareness of democratic values.

Having correctly determined that the factor of economic progress is the main factor determining the strength of states in the modern world, President Ilham Aliyev has directed all the efforts of his team in this direction over the past 18 years. The policy of economic modernization, as well as strategic roadmaps based on modern challenges, gave impetus to the development of the non-oil sector and entrepreneurship, contributed to the formation of an innovative knowledge economy, the human factor and the introduction of an effective social model. The roadmaps, which form the scientific and conceptual foundations of the modern Renaissance and are being successfully implemented at the present time, create a solid foundation for sustainable development in terms of economic diversification, strengthening its competitiveness, eliminating dependence on oil, improving the quality of export products, and increasing employment. The implementation of systemic reforms in the new economic conditions with great perseverance and determination leads Azerbaijan to its goal – to become one of the developed countries of the world.

Over the past 18 years, about 50 state programs approved by Mr. Ilham Aliyev have laid the foundation for reforms in various spheres of the country’s life, ensured harmony, high dynamism in the development process, and the country’s available resources are aimed at eliminating problems characteristic of the transition period. These projects, focused on development, social security and infrastructure, are primarily designed to ensure a decent lifestyle for every citizen, the protection of human rights and freedoms, the implementation of public administration based on flexible mechanisms, in a word, to satisfy civil society.

The signed decrees and orders based on the criteria of sustainable and rapid development at a qualitatively new stage emphasize the interest in accelerating the development of the non-oil sector in the regions by preparing our republic for the post-pandemic period, comprehensive support for entrepreneurs. In recent years, there has been a reduction in the number of licenses and permits for entrepreneurial activity, simplification of procedures for issuing permits, including the creation of an electronic portal in this area, the creation of appeal boards to protect the rights of entrepreneurs, the introduction of the principle of “one window” when transporting transit goods across the country, the creation of call centers that directly respond to the appeals of entrepreneurs, providing information and consulting services, etc. in this regard, it plays the role of a reliable spike.

“Oil is not a goal for us, but a means for economic development,” the head of state said, noting that the successful policy of Ilham Aliyev aimed at diversifying the national economy, reducing dependence on the oil factor, during the pandemic gave real results. Our independent republic at the present stage, when oil prices in the world economy are determined by geopolitical interests, confidently fulfills its social obligations, and also implements reforms that serve the development of entrepreneurship. According to the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications, in the first 11 months of this year, exports to Azerbaijan amounted to $ 19.8 billion, to the non-oil sector -$2.4 billion.

The Azerbaijani authorities, who define the upcoming rise to the level of economically developed countries as the main goal, are pursuing a policy aimed at the rule of law, strengthening transparency and accountability in various spheres of public life, ensuring the legitimate interests and interests of every citizen. One of the priorities of this policy, which contains the goal of building an open society, is to protect the interests of citizens in the relevant state structures, consider their applications and complaints in accordance with the legislation of the country, and make objective decisions. In the numerous laws, decrees and orders signed by President Ilham Aliyev over the past 18 years, state programs, this highest goal has once again been brought to the fore, the formation of more flexible and functional mechanisms for considering citizens’ appeals has been ensured.

“Azerbaijan 2030: National priorities of socio-economic development”, approved by the decree of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev dated February 2, 2021, fully reflect the weeks of Azerbaijan’s development in a qualitatively new period. The creation of a new geopolitical situation in the region over the past year, the conduct of large-scale reconstruction and rehabilitation works in the liberated territories, consistent steps towards the implementation of the fourth industrial revolution, as well as reducing dependence on hydrocarbon revenues make it necessary to clearly define the long-term development goals of Azerbaijan. In accordance with these trends, our republic is drawing up a post-conflict and post-pandemic agenda. The renewal of the macro- and fiscal structure, the optimization of the structure of the economy and the improvement of competitiveness depend on productivity growth.

According to the order “on approval” Azerbaijan 2030: national priorities of socio-economic development“, preparation of the project was provided” Strategy of socio-economic development for 2021-2025”. The participation of scientific organizations and highly qualified specialists in the process of preparing the draft strategy, along with relevant State bodies, international structures and civil society institutions, indicates that the document is based on deep scientific foundations. This makes it possible to determine the main goals and objectives for the future through open discussions and hearings, during which social expectations and desires of society are taken into account.

One of the striking indicators of the successful development of the economy is that the impact of the global financial and economic crisis, which reached its peak during the pandemic, on our country is minimal. One of the main factors contributing to this is the formation of a perfect character base that ensures the development in question, including a package of socio-economic support in all major areas, including. The purposeful policy pursued in the socio-economic sphere has led to the fact that over the past two years Azerbaijan has achieved impressive success in the fight against the pandemic.

In fact, one of the characteristic features of the Azerbaijani development model is the proportional distribution of progress throughout the country. That is, today the current development is clearly manifested not only in the center, but also in the regions, the appearance of which is changing day by day. Development of regions, effective use of their potential.

He has always been in the center of special attention of Ilham Aliyev. It is noteworthy that today Azerbaijan has achieved great success in the field of regional development.

After the Patriotic War, as the head of state noted, against the background of the historical victory, the reform process in Azerbaijan accelerated even more. The increase in the minimum wage from 250 to 300 manats, the increase in salaries, pensions and benefits for certain categories of citizens working in budgetary organizations, by the latest orders of President Ilham Aliyev, indicates the gradual improvement of the social protection system.

It should be emphasized that with his pragmatic and rational steps, President Ilham Aliyev gave a new impetus to democratic processes, the construction of a rule of law, the formation of civil society in the republic, created the basis for mobilizing the country’s economic resources in this direction. In the new century, President Ilham Aliyev, whose main areas of political activity are the protection of national and spiritual values, Azerbaijanism, where the popular factor occupies a dominant position, further strengthening the worthy position that the mighty and modern Azerbaijan occupies in the world community, achieving goals and other factors that make up this tribe, has managed to create solid foundations for the Revival of our country. As a result of his resolute and purposeful activity, important successes have been achieved in the implementation of Heydar Aliyev’s foreign policy, including in exposing Armenia’s aggressive position in the international arena, and this process is currently ongoing.

Possessing deep and comprehensive knowledge, high political culture, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, as a leader who enjoys great respect and authority in the world, successfully defended the interests of Azerbaijan in the processes of globalization and integration, at international meetings and high-level negotiations. Thanks to the offensive foreign policy of the Head of State, the role and authority of Azerbaijan in solving international and regional problems has been increasing in recent years. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who is guided by only one factor in national issues – the national interests of his people and the state, not only proved that he is a patriotic leader, but also demonstrated his determination to lead our people to national goals without bowing to any international powers, without losing self-respect before external pressure.

During his speech at the inauguration, which took place on October 31, 2003, President Ilham Aliyev, having identified the solution of the unjust conflict as one of the priority goals, said: “Azerbaijan will never accept this situation, the occupation of its lands. Everyone should know that, despite the fact that we stand for peace, we want the war not to resume and this issue to be resolved peacefully, our patience is also inexhaustible. Azerbaijan will liberate its native land at any cost.”

Persistently continuing the economic policy of national leader Heydar Aliyev, designed for distant goals, the strategy of building a perfect army, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who received deep moral and political support of our people, became an invincible conqueror of the glorious path to victory. Having undertaken from the first day such a painful and difficult mission as the liberation of our lands from occupation, the head of state has always paid special attention to the construction of a new economy, which is the fundamental basis of the concept of “a strong army is a strong state”. The factor of economic power played an important role in deepening Azerbaijan’s economic and political relations with influential international organizations, multinational companies, developed countries, and was also important from the point of view of recognizing the occupation of our territories, recognizing our territorial integrity. Acting as a fundamental pillar of diplomacy, economic power has strengthened the position of our country in the international arena, accelerated the process of exposing Armenia’s occupation policy, and at the same time allowed us to implement consistent measures to build a modern army.

The fact that he puts national interests above all else and is able to adequately defend them even in the most difficult moments, his political will, determination, ability to predetermine the course of events, to make bold decisions allowed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, to heal the Karabakh wound forever, which has become a lip in the hearts of our people.

Here are the words of the American thinker Thomas Woodrow Wilson:”the bravery of a sailor is manifested in a storm, the bravery of a soldier in war, and the bravery of the people in days of severe trials.” In response to the latest military provocations committed by Armenia on September 27, aimed at the civilian population and infrastructure, President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev signed a decree “forward!” The Azerbaijani people, rising to their feet on the basis of the order, wrote the brightest page of their history in recent centuries, in just 44 days our mighty army managed to discard the stigma of occupation on the battlefield, getting rid of the National Inferiority complex.

As a result of the 44-day Patriotic War, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces destroyed the false image of ”invincibility” formed by Armenia in relation to its army for 30 years, the Armenian society fell into despondency from the first days, its internal situation became increasingly aggravated. Azerbaijan, with its counter-terrorism operations, has brought to absurdity the allegations made so far about the alleged absence of a military solution to the conflict. Against the background of the elimination of the ”status quo” and the line of contacts, Armenia’s attempts to violate the format of negotiations that has been established for many years, to present the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh regime as a party to the negotiations were perceived ambiguously.

The trilateral statement signed on November 10 also put an end to the suffering of people who have lived with homesickness for more than 30 years, as well as their despair. President of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev has realized the biggest dream of internally displaced persons – to return to their native lands. The 44-day war proved to the whole world how patriotic and great the Azerbaijani people are, their national unity and solidarity. In those days, it became clear once again that 30 years of longing for the earth, suffering did not break the will of our people, did not weaken their determination to fight. One of the most striking results of the Patriotic War is that Azerbaijan, which put an end to the occupation, also stopped attempts to create a second Armenian state in the region once and for all, and the term “Nagorno-Karabakh” is hidden in the archives of history. Today about the existence of the so-called administrative territory” Nagorno-Karabakh”, giving the separatist regime some kind of status is out of the question. This means that the “independence” of the illegal, puppet regime formed by Armenia on our territories, or unfounded fantasies about giving it some kind of status are in vain.

During his recent visit to Brussels, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais, once again stated the resolute position of our country: “We want peace, war is enough. We want stability, predictability and zero risk of any attempts of revanchism on the part of Armenia. Therefore, we will very closely monitor all their maneuvers, regroupings and all attempts to create a military potential that may be dangerous to us. If we see this happening, we will immediately eliminate the threat, and they know it.”

In general, President Ilham Aliyev, who exposed Armenia’s behavior that creates obstacles to peace and stability in the period after the Second Karabakh War, diplomatically used the rostrum of international organizations and important meetings for this purpose. The last visit of the head of state to Europe, numerous meetings in Brussels, and the opinions expressed by him were fruitful in this regard. President Ilham Aliyev, who managed to neutralize the active influence of Armenian diplomacy and the Diaspora on European countries last year, strives to convey objective information and messages to this audience at global international events. The meetings held by President Ilham Aliyev in Brussels and expressed by him during a joint press conference with the NATO Secretary General are important for forming an objective picture of the post-conflict stage.

President Ilham Aliyev, in an interview with El Pais newspaper, once again recalled that Azerbaijan has repeatedly appealed to Armenia to sign a peace treaty. These constructive views of the head of state are the embodiment of our country’s interest in closing the page of conflict and confrontation, eliminating the atmosphere of hostility as a supporter of peace and stability in the region, a manifestation of serious political will in this direction: “I have repeatedly publicly stated that Azerbaijan is ready to start peace negotiations and work on a peace agreement with Armenia. So far, no response has been given to the Armenian leadership. I have made such statements many times in more than six months. This suggests that they do not want peace, because if it is signed, one of the main provisions of the peace agreement will be mutual recognition of the territorial integrity of both countries, and Armenia does not want to recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.”

One of the main ideas contained in the speeches of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at the post-Soviet stage is that ensuring sustainable peace and stability in the region depends on the constructive approach of Armenia and some Western states, taking into account the new geopolitical realities. If a few months ago the Armenian leadership took a destructive position as an obstacle to the restoration of communications, now, with the successful political, diplomatic and military superiority of Azerbaijan, it was forced to retreat. At the trilateral meeting in Brussels, the agreement between the two countries on the restoration of the railway line was confirmed, and it was also decided to continue negotiations on the restoration of the highway and the definition of the legal regime of the Zangezur corridor.

One of the main ideas contained in the speeches of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at the post-Soviet stage is that ensuring sustainable peace and stability in the region depends on the constructive approach of Armenia and some Western states, taking into account the new geopolitical realities. If a few months ago the Armenian leadership took a destructive position as an obstacle to the restoration of communications, now, with the successful political, diplomatic and military superiority of Azerbaijan, it was forced to retreat. At the trilateral meeting in Brussels, the agreement between the two countries on the restoration of the railway line was confirmed, and it was also decided to continue negotiations on the restoration of the highway and the definition of the legal regime of the Zangezur corridor.

The laying of new roads and railways through the territory of Armenia, which will connect Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, will create a more profitable, alternative transport and communication route that meets the geo-economic interests of not only our republic, but also the states of the region as a whole (Turkey, Russia, Armenia, as well as the countries of Central Asia and the East). As a result of the new transport and communication lines, Azerbaijan will have more convenient access to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the eastern part of Turkey. These roads will also allow the Russian Federation to get a new road and rail route from Georgia to Turkey.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev is implementing all necessary measures to turn the territories liberated over the past year into one of the leading rings of economic activity and bring them to a level of development corresponding to other regions of the country. Along with state capital investments, existing natural resources and a favorable climate create the basis for the inflow of foreign investment into these territories. According to the document ”Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities”, one of the main directions of economic policy is the revival, reintegration and development of the Karabakh and East Zangezur economic regions after the demining of the liberated territories. During the visits of the President of the country to these territories, the foundation is laid for a large-scale process of improvement, construction in each district, village and settlement. The implementation of the process of restoration of the liberated territories on the basis of a unified approach and concept creates the basis for the transformation of these territories into a modern and well-maintained space.

President Ilham Aliyev, personally supervising the process of developing the master plan of the liberated areas, tries to take into account even the smallest details, to bring the process in line with modern urban planning trends. The process of developing a general plan for the region is already at the final stage. Over the past year, master plans of the cities of Shusha, Aghdam, Fuzuli and Jabrail have been prepared and approved with the participation of public representatives. Currently, work is underway at an accelerated pace to develop master plans for other cities. Laying the foundations of residential buildings on the territory of Aghdam, Fuzuli and Jabrayil districts with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev inspires confidence that a big return will take place in the coming years.

Achieving stability in the region has opened up good opportunities to accelerate the inflow of foreign investment and the formation of a favorable business environment in the liberated territories. In this regard, it should be particularly noted that the relevant work is being carried out to lay the foundation of the Agdam Industrial Park, the industrial park “economic zone of the Araz Valley”, to attract potential residents and investors here.

Of particular importance in terms of the restoration and development of the territories liberated from occupation are the activities carried out in the direction of the formation of ground and air transport infrastructure. Fuzuli International Airport, commissioned on October 26, 2021, as well as the international airports of Zangilan and Lachin, the construction of which is now continuing at a rapid pace, create favorable conditions not only for investment, but also for the development of tourism in the region. The commissioning of substations in Shusha, Fizuli, Kelbajar, Jabrail, Zangilan, Gubadli, Gulabyurd and Kelbajar-1 hydroelectric power stations over the past year, as well as steps taken towards preparing for the application of the green energy concept, create the basis for sustainable energy supply in the region.

The decisive, principled, national-interest-based leadership mission of Commander-in-Chief Muzaffar Ali, President Ilham Aliyev was met by the citizens of the country with great joy and satisfaction. Azerbaijan’s well-deserved victory in the Patriotic War has further increased the authority of President Ilham Aliyev on a regional and global scale over the past year, and secured him a place among the most successful world leaders by the end of this year.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, who confidently continues the political course of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, puts national interests and interests higher in every step, works with great perseverance to realize the desires and aspirations of the citizens of the country. The main sphere of activity of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev is built on the principles of faithful, worthy service to the people and the state and satisfaction of citizens.

Newspaper “Azerbaijan”

                      Sattar Mehbaliyev,

       Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, Deputy of the     Milli Majlis