The families of martyrs are always in our focus


Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), Member of Parliament Sattar Mohbaliyev visited the family of senior lieutenant Tural Askerli, a martyr of the Second Karabakh War, living in Ramana settlement of the capital’s Sabunchu district. Talking to the family members of the martyr, S. Mohbaliyev inquired about their concerns and listened to their problems.

He noted that the families of martyrs, their parents, veterans, war participants are always in the center of attention of the state. According to him, on the initiative of the head of state Ilham Aliyev and first vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva, they are visited, gifts and assistance are distributed on all holidays and significant days. The chairman noted that our grateful people will never forget our martyrs who gave us great victories over the enemy at the cost of their lives, will always cherish and honor their dear memory. The deputy presented gifts and material assistance to Tural Askerli’s family. S.Mohbaliyev said that the organization he leads would continue to keep the families of martyrs in the spotlight and provide them with the necessary material and moral support.

It should be noted that Lieutenant Tural askerli showed great heroism in the battles for Murovdag and Kalbajar in the Patriotic War. He became a witness during the battles for Kalbajar on October 2020, 1. By orders of President Ilham Aliyev, he was posthumously awarded medals “for the motherland” and “for the liberation of Kalbajar”.

The martyr has two daughters named Sunay and Sevgi.