We believe that in the near future Zangilan will be one of the most developed regions of our country


“Operations to liberate the Zangilan region from occupation are another example of heroism of our Armed Forces. Our officers and soldiers quickly and successfully completed Operation Zangilan, as well as other operations. The selflessness shown by our Border Troops in this operation once again demonstrates the professionalism of all types and formations of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. Thanks to the courage and perseverance of our border guards, the 132-kilometer border with Iran, which was occupied, came under our full control, and we also reached the border with Armenia. Of course, the effective organization of operations, the consistent liberation of cities gave our soldiers a new spirit, increased our psychological superiority over the enemy, was a stimulus for future operations.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

The MP noted that high-quality landscaping work is being carried out in Zangilan to allow residents to return to their homes as soon as possible: “Zangilan is located on the road to Nakhchivan. The opening of the Zangazur Corridor, which will connect Nakhchivan and the western regions of Azerbaijan, as well as Southeast and Central Asia and Europe, will increase the geostrategic importance of the region and give impetus to its comprehensive development. The airport to be built here will create conditions for the socio-economic development of East Zangazur and Karabakh in general, increase the tourism potential, turn the region into an international transport and logistics center, as well as promote employment.

The ATUC chairman stressed that the first “Smart Village” pilot project is being built here, smart technologies are being applied, alternative energy sources will be used in the region: “We believe that thanks to these opportunities, Zangilan will become one of the most developed regions of the country.” The region’s natural resources and a number of useful ore deposits will create favorable conditions for this.

S.Mohbaliyev said that the construction and restoration works in East Zangazur and Karabakh are under the control of President Ilham Aliyev: “On October 20, the day of Zangilan’s liberation, Mr. President and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva visited the region. They got acquainted with the work done within the “Smart Village” project, the construction of the International Airport, the conditions created in the military unit complex of the State Border Service. They took part in the groundbreaking ceremony of “Zangilan Digital Substation” of “Azerishig” OJSC and opening of 110/35/10 kV “Zangilan” s / s of “Azerenergy” OJSC. What we have seen is that so much unprecedented work has been done and is being done in one year. The agile and efficient work carried out once again assures us that this process will be completed soon, and the desire of the residents to live in their homeland, which they are looking forward to, will come true.