Statement by the Executive Committee of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation


The Executive Committee of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation issued a statement on September 27 – Memorial Day.

The statement says:

“Today we are proud to witness a glorious page in the history of Azerbaijan. Exactly one year ago, the Azerbaijani people, showing great unity, thanks to the determination of the Supreme Commander in Chief and the determination of our army, liberated the territories that had been under the onslaught of the enemy for 30 years from occupation, restored their sovereign rights and historical justice.

The hostility policy of Armenians against our people begins in more than 200 years – from the time of their resettlement to the ancient Azerbaijani lands. From the first day of their settlement, Azerbaijani troponyms began to change, they tried to seize fertile lands, squeeze Azerbaijanis in the settlements where they formed a majority. In 1948-1953, 150 thousand Azerbaijanis were expelled from their historical lands in Armenia, and in 1988 another 250 thousand Azerbaijanis were expelled.

The Karabakh conflict has led to the destruction of Azerbaijani villages, cities, the death of tens of thousands of innocent people, the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis from their historical lands. The atrocities committed are the true face of Armenian fascism. And the Khojaly genocide, with its unthinkable cruelty, is a crime against all humanity.

The OSCE Minsk Group, established in 1992 for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, demonstrated a bilateral approach during this period and tried not to solve the problem but to freeze it, and thus the negotiations over the years remained fruitless. Four UN Security Council resolutions demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan have remained on paper for 27 years and have not been implemented.

The Armenian side has tried to continue its occupation policy under various pretexts, provoking various provocations. On September 27, 2020, in response to another military provocation by Armenia, the Supreme Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev ordered to immediately counter-attack the entire frontline.

Thus, under the leadership of the victorious commander-in-chief, the Azerbaijani Army restored the territorial integrity and international law of the country for 44 days, put an end to Armenia’s occupation policy, and witnessed the glorious victory of Azerbaijan, which was won at the cost of the blood of our martyrs, thanks to the bravery and bravery of our heroic soldiers.

As a sign of deep respect for all our martyrs, President Ilham Aliyev signed an order to mark the beginning of the September 27 – the day of Remembrance in our country. On this occasion, the people of Azerbaijan proudly remember our soldiers and officers, all our martyrs who demonstrated national solidarity and proudly waved our invincible flag in our liberated lands, died on this way and gave joy of great victory to our people. Their heroism for our motherland will never be forgotten, and their dear memory will always live in the hearts of our people.

During the occupation, the enemy destroyed the settlements of Azerbaijan, demolished and looted all buildings, historical and cultural monuments. During the Great Patriotic War, Armenia also resorted to provocations, committed war crimes, targeting civilians, fired ballistic missiles, phosphorus and cluster bombs at Azerbaijani cities. As a result, about 100 civilians were killed, more than 400 civilians were injured, and more than 5,000 houses were destroyed.

The Executive Committee of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation believes that Armenia must respond to all crimes committed on the international level.

Also, hundreds of thousands of buried mines significantly slow down the restoration work in the territories liberated from occupation and pose a threat to the lives of the civilian population. The fact that the mine maps were not presented to Azerbaijan in full is another proof of the official Yerevan’s war crime. The world community and international organizations should condemn Armenia for not providing mine maps, and official Yerevan should bear legal responsibility.

We note that as a result of the constructive policy pursued by Azerbaijan, new realities dominate the region. These realities are considered to be peace and security in the region as a whole, mutually beneficial cooperation, and Armenia’s reconciliation is very important for them. Armenia must fulfill all the provisions of the tripartite declaration, refrain from provocations and respond to the calls of Azerbaijan for the signing of the peace treaty.”


Member Organizations of Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation

Trade Union Council of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

“Khidmat-Ish” Trade Union Federation

Azerbaijan Federation of Agricultural and Food Industry Worker’s Trade Union

Azerbaijan Trade Union Federation of Metal Workers

Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Azerbaijan Aviation Employees

Trade union of workers of Motor transport and Road economy of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Trade Union of the Municipal Workers

Trade Union Workers of Baku Steel Company LLC

Azerbaijan Trade Union Republican Committee of State Organization and Public Service Workers.

Azerbaijan Independent Trade Union Republican Committee Railway-Workers

Trade Unions Republican Committee of Azerbaijan Marine Transportation workers

Republican Committe of   Azerbaijan electroenergetics and electrical engineering industry workers Trade Union.

Independent Trade Unions of National Science Academy

Independent Trade Unions Republic Committee of the workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Trade Union Of Customs Workers

 Independent Trade Union of Constructional Complex Workers of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Republican Defense Industry Workers’ Trade Union

Independent Trade Union of Cultural Workers

Metropolitan Workers Trade Union

Azerbaijan Oil & Gas Industry Workers Trade Union Republican Committee

Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Transport, Communications and High Technology Workers

Trade Unions Republican Committee of Azerbaijani Enterprises, Private Enterprises and Knowledge Workers

 Azerbaijan Health Care Trade Unions Republic

Trade Unions of Water Economy Workers of Azerbaijan Republic

Natural Wealth and Ecology Workers Trade Union Republic Committee

Republic Committee of Independent Trade Union of  Azerbaijan Education Employees

Trade Union Republican Committee of Local Industry and Communal Workers