Sattar Mokhbaliyev: “The positive realities brought by the victorious Azerbaijan to the region are unchanged”


“From the first day of the beginning to the end of the Patriotic War, the entire Turkish press showed special dedication in bringing Azerbaijani realities to the public of the country, as well as the world. Representatives of the leading media of this country regularly prepared reports from the front, about the successes of the Azerbaijani army, about the patriotism of the citizens of the country, about the targeting of Armenians on Azerbaijani civilians, about the war crimes committed by them, transmitted accurate and impartial information. And after the war, they published information about the vandal actions of Armenians during the occupation of Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh and about the reconstruction and construction works carried out by Azerbaijan in these territories after the occupation. In addition, the Turkish public, as always, provided us with moral support during the war, they did not miss their prayers, followed the course of the war with excitement, felt joy from each of our successes. This is an endless example of inseparable historical unity and brotherhood”.

This was stated by the chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK),Member of Parliament Sattar Mahbaliyev.

According to him, the interview of victorious Commander-in-chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev to the prestigious Anatolian Agency of Turkey, which has a wide audience, was met with interest, which opened the plans of the Armenian state to occupy new territories before the Vatan war, the failed military provocations committed for this purpose, the intentions of the new political forces coming to power The country’s leadership has resorted to such a failed and shameful defeat because of its promises to the people and inability to fulfill its obligations. It turned them into the disgrace they deserved. The reasons leading to the war show again that this occupying state had no peaceful intentions. They did not realize that the end of this occupation would come one day, and they already have a strong Azerbaijan, which is rapidly developing day by day, its economic indicators are constantly growing, its army is superior to the army of this country”.

“President Ilham Aliyev noted that international mediators are also responsible for the long-term continuation of the occupation and the lack of peaceful settlement. Of course, everything was clear, Azerbaijani lands were occupied, Azerbaijanis were expelled from their homes, UN Security Council resolutions remained unfulfilled, and the whole world saw this. There was a way to resolve the conflict: the withdrawal of the Armenian army from the occupied territories. The mediators, acting from a dual position, put no pressure on the aggressor, no sanctions were imposed, impunity further aggravated Armenia and made the war inevitable,” the Member of Parliament said.

“As the head of our state said, Armenia should be interested in normalizing relations with Azerbaijan and make efforts for this. The positive realities brought by Azerbaijan to the region have no equal and give a full guarantee of a happy future for the entire region. The only way out of Armenia’s existence as a state is to come to terms with the current situation and abandon the insidious policy towards its neighbors. Azerbaijan’s peace-loving position is obvious, Mr. President always states this. The head of our state also always reminds that fascism in Armenia will be destroyed if it rises again and commits a provocation. Naturally, this is the legitimate right of Azerbaijan. The Armenian society should also understand that fascism is the cause of this unfavorable situation, and they should avoid this intention,”” S. Mohbaliyev noted.