Sattar Mahbaliyev: “President Ilham Aliyev once again recalled how the fate of those who lived in Armenia with revanchist thinking will be”


“Our country has always shown the highest respect and respect for the martyrs, their families are fully covered by the care and attention of the state. Under the leadership of great leader Heydar Aliyev, the names of the Sons of martyrs in the first Karabakh War were immortalized, special attention was paid to their families, as well as veterans and participants of the war, appropriate measures were taken to improve their social conditions. This tradition is successfully continued at the highest level by the glorious successor of the Great Leader, President Ilham Aliyev. Under the leadership of the head of our state, comprehensive measures were taken to strengthen the social protection of the family members of those who were martyred in the first Karabakh War and in the war of veten, the servicemen of the mighty Azerbaijani army who won the glorious victory in our war of truth, as well as to provide them with housing, It is worth noting that in 1997-2021 members of the families of martyrs were provided with 10,000 500 apartments and individual houses. This is a manifestation of the special attitude of the state to people of that category.”

This was stated by the chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, Member of Parliament Sattar Mahbaliyev.

According to him, our people always honor the memory of the martyrs, pay them high respect: “on September 27 – the day of Remembrance, our people demonstrated great solidarity, honored the unforgettable memory of our martyrs and prayed to their souls. Participation of President Ilham Aliyev and first vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva in the events and participation in this non-permanent residence is a sign of respect for the souls of martyrs. On the same day, the appeal of the head of state to the people was remembered with a number of moments. Thus, Mr. President once again declared that the conflict” Nagorno-Karabakh ” and its administrative territory do not exist. Our army deservedly punished those who lived this dream during the Patriotic War under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. It is pointless to talk about this, there are new realities in the region, it is important for all, including Armenia and its patrons to accept it, to give up utopian dreams that will never exist.”

“The head of our state honorably fulfills all the promises made to the people. Since the first day of his election, the President has repeatedly stated that Azerbaijan will not reconcile with the occupation. True to his promise, victorious Commander-in-Chief turned our people into a victorious people, showed the whole world the strength of Azerbaijan, and angered our enemies. The President once again recalled what would be the fate of those who want to resort to provocations again, who live with a revanchist mindset. Naturally, such actions are dangerous for the already deplorable Armenia. The socio-economic situation in the country is getting worse every day, the economic crisis has reached a peak, and people’s living conditions are at a very low level. Their way out is to abandon empty illusions and completely forget about territorial claims to neighbors, follow the principles of good neighborliness, accept proposals dictated by Azerbaijan as a winning country,” the deputy of the Milli Majlis said.