“Iran must refrain from actions that will overshadow the historically friendly relations between the two brotherly peoples”



“After gaining independence, Azerbaijan has established friendly and fraternal relations with all its neighbors, including Iran. Iran’s position against Azerbaijan is ambiguous. This has manifested itself more in relations with the occupying Armenia. Thus, from the first days of Armenia’s occupation of Azerbaijani territories, Iran has forgotten the words “a Muslim is the brother of a Muslim”, did not express any attitude, acted on double standards, and expanded its relations with the occupying power in all areas. “Iran, as a Muslim state, considers itself a part of the Islamic world, and even repeatedly calls its country the support of Muslims, but the realities show the opposite.”

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

According to him, there were 67 mosques in the occupied territories: These mosques were destroyed by Armenia. Iran, as a Muslim state, has never objected to this. He even went a step further and participated in the frauds of Armenia, considered the Upper Govhar Agha Mosque in Shusha as a pearl of Iranian-Persian culture, as presented by the occupiers, and helped to repair it. During the occupation, photos of mosques destroyed by Armenia were regularly circulated, openly showing that pigs were kept there in order to insult Muslims. This Islamic state, which calls itself the backbone of the Muslims, was silent on these insulting scenes. Of course, the projects implemented by Iran in those territories during the occupation, various “aids” to the separatists were known to everyone. ”


“More than 1 million Azerbaijanis were expelled from their homes in front of Iran and lived as IDPs for about 30 years. During the 44-day war of the Azerbaijani Army, Iran made only a late statement. It was announced at that time that our Army had already liberated a large area, was advancing rapidly, and everyone knew that it was irresistible. After Azerbaijan liberated its territories from occupation, Iran continued to support separatism materially and morally. Using Armenian license plates, the Russian peacekeepers carried weapons, ammunition, food, fuel to the remains of the destroyed separatists in the territory of Azerbaijan, which is in the area of responsibility, and promoted separatism. Of course, Azerbaijan took decisive steps to prevent this. “Our police and border guards have already set up checkpoints on the Gorus-Gafan road to prevent such actions by Iran,” Mohbaliyev said.

“Today, Iranian officials baselessly accuse Azerbaijan with baseless statements, make various threats, and hold military exercises near our borders. What is the need for this on the border with Azerbaijan !? This behavior of Iran is really regrettable and disappointing. Iran must thoroughly study the processes taking place in the region, thoroughly analyze and change its position on Azerbaijan, and refrain from such actions that overshadow the historically friendly relations between the two brotherly peoples. “It is worth remembering that when the United States took a tough stance against Iran and tried to take advantage of Azerbaijan’s opportunities in this matter, President Ilham Aliyev openly stated that a third state from Azerbaijan would not be allowed to act against Iran in one way or another,” he said.