ATUC Executive Committee held a meeting


An online meeting of the Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) was held on October 13.

ATUC Chairman, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev appealed to the Public Union “Assistance to the Disabled of the Patriotic War” and the Azerbaijan Diaspora Support Fund to allocate funds for the meeting, as well as the report-election campaign in ATUC member organizations in 2022, partial changes in the ATUC Assembly and other current and organizational issues.

Before discussing the issues on the agenda, Mohbaliyev spoke about current issues. He spoke about the liberation of our occupied lands by the Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of Muzaffar Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, successful military operations, the unity of our people around the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the heroism of our martyrs and veterans. Mohbaliyev said that rapid landscaping works are being carried out in East Zangazur and Karabakh, which are liberated today, and we believe that the residents will soon return to their native lands. According to him, the families of martyrs, veterans and war veterans are covered by comprehensive state care, and it is the duty of each of us to always pay attention to them, take care of their problems and provide them with the necessary assistance.

Then the issues on the agenda were discussed. It was decided to transfer 1,000 manat to the Public Union “Assistance to the Disabled of the Patriotic War” to continue the “Second enlightenment-tour campaign of the families of martyrs” with the participation of about 25 families of martyrs.

Discussions were held on the basis of the appeal of the Azerbaijani Diaspora Support Fund. It was noted that the achievements of the country to the world, the protection of national and moral values of Azerbaijanis around the world, the implementation of measures to protect the national and civil rights of Azerbaijanis working abroad, the solution of socio-economic, socio-political, cultural and spiritual problems of our compatriots. The Azerbaijan Diaspora Support Fund is doing important work to implement this plan. It was noted that in order to support the measures taken by the state to protect the families of martyrs and veterans as a result of the Great Patriotic War, the Foundation together with the Yashat Foundation held a campaign called Yashat Marathon and provided financial support to our martyrs and veterans. In order to continue the fund’s activities in the future, increase its efficiency and expand, the Executive Committee decided to transfer 30,000 manat to the Fund’s account.

Relevant decisions were made on partial changes in the composition of the ATUC Assembly, postponement of reporting meetings and other issues to be discussed in connection with the current situation caused by COVID-19 infection in all areas of trade unions.

In conclusion, the ATUC chairman gave relevant recommendations to the member and subordinate organizations on the regulation of labor relations, protection of labor rights of employees, organization of their social protection, leisure, normalization of labor relations between managers and employees, elimination of possible conflicts.