ATUC Chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev met with his turkish counterparts


On October 28, the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, the deputy of the Milli Majlis Sattar Mohbaliyev met with the President of the Iron, Steel, Metal and Metallic Products Workers’ Union of Turkey Yunus Degirmenci.

At the meeting with the participation of delegations from both sides, the fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey were discussed, as well as the ties between the two structures, the work carried out in the direction of further strengthening cooperation, and prospects for the future.

He noted that relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan are based on the principles of brotherhood in all spheres, the words of the founder of the Republic of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Ataturk “Azerbaijan’s joy is our joy, sorrow is our sorrow” and the words of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev “one nation, two states” are a guarantee of the unity of our peoples in terms of national and spiritual values.

According to him, today, thanks to the purposeful policy pursued by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, relations between our countries are reaching a higher level, and in a number of areas they are moving to a qualitatively new level.

Appreciating the moral and diplomatic support provided by the Turkish state and its president to Azerbaijan during the liberation of the occupied Azerbaijani lands in 2020 by a counter-offensive operation from the Armenian invaders, S. Mohbaliyev said that it was an example of brotherhood in every sense of the word.

Speaking about the Shusha Declaration, the head of the Confederation noted that the declaration reflects the political, economic, ideological, humanitarian relations existing between our countries, which will ensure the further sustainable development of relations in all planes.

Further, speaking about the activities of the trade unions of Azerbaijan, the chairman of the ATUC noted that the trade unions, which are the largest public organization of our citizens, take an active part in building a new society in our country, play an important role in the implementation of social policy, adequately respond to all the challenges of the state, including socially oriented proposals.

  1. Mohbaliyev added that today trade unions, as defenders of the rights of Azerbaijani citizens involved in the labor process, act more consistently and purposefully in all enterprises operating in our country, using new methods and means in the field of bringing working conditions in line with modern standards. solving social problems and ensuring labor rights.

Thanking for the warm welcome, the President Yunus Degirmenci called the victory of Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War a historic event and congratulated his Azerbaijani colleagues on this event.

He noted that the relations between the trade unions of Azerbaijan and Turkey are developing day by day, mutual visits are organized, experience is exchanged. It was emphasized that efforts will be made to further develop these ties in the future.

Other issues of interest were also discussed at the meeting. At the end, mutual gifts were handed over, a commemorative photo was taken.