ATUC chairman Sattar Mahbaliyev attended the international conference held online in Russia


The 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference” socio-labor disputes in Russia and the world ” was held in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

The conference was attended by Olga Kulaeva, Director of the Bureau of the International Labour Organization for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Owen Tudor, Deputy Secretary General of the International Trade Union Confederation, Mikhail Shmakov, Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, and heads and responsible persons of trade unions from many countries of the world.

Speakers at the event spoke about labor disputes, ways to resolve them, exchange of experience between trade unions of the countries, expansion of ties, bringing regulatory legal acts in line with modern working conditions and other important issues.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), Vice-President of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Vice-President of the Pan-European Regional Council of ITUC Sattar Mohbaliyev noted in his speech that the issue raised at the beginning of the IV Industrial Revolution is very relevant for our countries.

According to him, Azerbaijan is among the 25 countries of the world in terms of competitive economy, the standard of living of the population is increasing every year, salaries and pensions are increasing every year. The chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), emphasized that trade unions occupy a special place in the process of regulating social and Labor Relations in the country.

He noted that in accordance with the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan” About trade unions ” trade union organizations and their members resolve both individual and collective labor disputes between employees and employers arising for various reasons, as well as the subject and procedure for resolving this issue are regulated by the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and these legal standards are mandatory for all employers and their associations, relevant executive authorities, labor collectives and trade unions organizations.

S.Mahbaliyev also noted that employees of foreign companies operating in our country also enjoy the right to strike, and many of their collectives have achieved the establishment of local trade union organizations, the realization of some social, labor and economic rights.

Trade unions should become a social partner of employers and state bodies, said the chairman of ATUC, adding that social partnership is the most effective in regulating labor disputes. He stressed that the monitoring and risk problems of Labor Relations carried out in this context allow timely identification and timely solution of them within the framework of the law, in a balanced manner. S.Mahbaliyev also informed about the innovations and rules applied by trade unions of Azerbaijan in the field of regulation of labor disputes.