“Armenia has no argument to deceive the international community”


İn an interview with France-24, President Ilham Aliyev reiterated Azerbaijan’s readiness to negotiate for peace and regional development. This is an important challenge for Azerbaijan from Armenia. Armenia’s understanding and appreciation of this is a very important way out for them. Many years of negotiations, Mr. President’s position and the Patriotic War have shown that not an inch of Azerbaijani lands will be given to anyone. Their occupation policy was made history by the mighty Azerbaijani Army, led by the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief. What are they waiting for after that !? The army was destroyed, and the rest escaped from the hands of the Azerbaijani soldier. As they admit, the country’s so-called “invincible” army has more than 10,000 fugitives. No success awaits them in the field of diplomacy. After the liberation of the occupied territories, the whole world witnessed their vandalism. During their visits to these areas, the world’s leading media representatives were surprised by the encounters and shared information about the savage actions of the Armenians. There are no more arguments to deceive the international community. The situation dictated by Azerbaijan has been established in the region and will not change. The Armenian side has only one way left: to recognize the internationally recognized territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

 “In an interview, Mr. President said that any statement about the unresolved conflict is inappropriate and dangerous. Because there is no territory and conflict called “Nagorno-Karabakh” in the territory of Azerbaijan. Occupied East Zangazur and Karabakh have been liberated. The issue of status is out of the question. Mr. President has openly stated Azerbaijan’s position on this. “In his interview, the head of state also touched upon this issue. France is a co-chair of the Minsk Group and has long been responsible for resolving the conflict. Instead of being neutral on this issue, it is incompatible with international law for Armenia to defend its unjust position by demonstrating its side during the war. There are also known UN Security Council resolutions, in which France also participated in the adoption of these resolutions.

“Today, some international NGOs are biased by considering Armenians who have committed crimes in violation of the Azerbaijani border as prisoners of war. It seems that such NGOs are unaware of international law and conventions. After the signing of the November Declaration, these people, who were deliberately transferred to the territory of Azerbaijan to commit crimes, killed 4 servicemen. They were arrested by a court decision that came into force. However, we do not hear an international voice regarding Armenia’s incomplete submission of mine maps of the liberated territories. As a result of the mine explosion, many of our citizens were killed and wounded after the end of the war. This is another provocation and savagery, “he said.