Sattar Mohbaliyev: “The President’s order to mark September 27 as Remembrance Day is a sign of the highest respect for our martyrs”.

“From the first day when Armenians began to be resettled in Azerbaijan for ugly purposes, history has witnessed the aggressive,  treacherous, destructive,  and barbaric nature of these people. At every point in history, this community is not well remembered.They always lived with the dream of reclaiming the vast territories they had imagined, talking about the vast territories they supposedly possessed, remembering their non-existent, false past.
To this end, with the help of their patrons, they have committed heinous crimes against humanity that will always be condemned. Almost all the interests, goals and ideas of this society are aggressive, humanism, humanity, friendship, in general, are alien to them, and at the heart of all their actions is betrayal and slander.From the moment they set foot on our lands, they began to show themselves as the owners of our lands, tried to change the toponyms of Azerbaijan, seized fertile lands, and displaced Azerbaijanis in the settlements they formed.In order to carry out their acts of aggression, they have always committed various crimes and killed thousands of our compatriots, considering the transition periods and political cataclysms to be favorable for them. The years 1905-1907 and 1918-1920 were remembered by our people with the special cruelty of the Armenian armed gangs.

In those years, tens of thousands of Azerbaijani civilians were subjected to genocide, expelled, tortured and hundreds of settlements were destroyed in Yerevan, Daralayaz, Zangazur, Goycha, Tbilissi, Nakhchivan, Baku, Ganja, Shamakhi, Guba, Lankaran, Karabakh, Mugan, Goychay.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.
According to him, the Armenians continued their vicious character during the Soviet period, made territorial claims, and did everything possible to expel the Azerbaijanis from their historical and ethnic lands: “In 1948-1953 alone, 150 Thousands of our compatriots were deported and faced great deprivation. It took them a long time to adapt to new areas and unsuitable climates, as well as new living conditions. During the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1988, the Armenians reactivated with the help of their patrons, expelled another 250,000 Azerbaijanis from their native lands, and thus became a mono-ethnic state, transcending all human values and feelings. I want to draw special attention to one point. During the leadership of Soviet Azerbaijan, the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev shielded all the plans of the Armenians for our republic. At that time, their desire to tear Karabakh from Azerbaijan was thwarted and they realized that as long as Heydar Aliyev existed, it would not be possible. Therefore, after the great leader was biasedly removed from the Soviet leadership, they again went astray and made territorial claims.
“The most terrible crimes committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis occurred in the early 90s of the last century before the eyes of the world. The unprofessional management of incompetent  leaders, the existing forces in the not yet fully formed state, the lack of Army building, the deepening of the economic and political crisis was a favorable moment for the implementation of the aggressive actions of the Armenians and took advantage of this opportunity treacherously.They occupied 20 percent of our lands, brutally removed more than 1 million peaceful Azerbaijanis from their lands, plundered our settlements, destroyed our historical cultural monuments, committed unprecedented military crimes in the world. The atrocities committed in Baslibel, Aghdaban and Bakanis-Ayrim villages are a true manifestation of Armenian fascism.The Khojaly genocide, directed against the Azerbaijani people as a whole, is an act of barbarism in the history of mankind with its unimaginable cruelty and inhumane methods of punishment. This genocide is also a crime against all mankind, “he said.
“It is unfortunate that the world powers, which speak of humanism, human rights, humanity and democracy, have remained silent about these atrocities, have taken a double position, and have not called the aggressor or usurper by their own names. The Minsk Group, set up to resolve the conflict, has been trying to freeze the issue for 29 years, but the negotiations have failed. Azerbaijan, which has always demonstrated its commitment to international law, wanted a peaceful solution to the conflict, while Armenia continued its aggressive policy and committed provocations, constantly firing on our civilians along the line of contact, preventing them from living comfortably. Their goal was to force Azerbaijan to reconcile with the occupation. The battle of Lalatapa, which took place in 2016 and was of special significance, overturned almost all the false propaganda carried out by Armenia. They inflicted a crushing blow on the invincible Armenian army, which once again showed that Azerbaijan would liberate its territories by any means. The
Tovuz Battles  are a continuation of this. But, unfortunately, the enemy did not learn from these defeats, continuing the policy of occupation and resorting to another provocation on September 27, 2020, and this time the “invincible army” was completely destroyed in 44 days. Thus, the Azerbaijani Army, under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, restored the country’s territorial integrity, historical justice and international law,” Mohbaliyev said.
The ATUC chairman stressed that there has never been a fact of aggression or occupation in the history of the ancient Azerbaijani people, but we have never submitted to the occupation: “Thanks to our heroic commanders, we have always shown our enemies our place. Babek, Javanshir, Shah Ismail Khatai, Javad khan are such heroes. Centuries have passed, but our appreciative people will never forget them. The glorious 44-day war and its invincible commander, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, are also our glorious history.Our Karabakh, which has been under occupation for almost 30 years, has become a source of pain for every Azerbaijani, wrinkles our foreheads as we remember, was liberated with great heroism thanks to the skillful diplomatic skills, supreme leadership and strong commanding skills of the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev.It was the Azerbaijani Army, formed by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and embarking on the path of development, that, under the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, made itself known throughout the world. Our irresistible Army, even from a tactical point of view, never took a step back, only moved forward. Our wounded soldiers did not leave the battlefield, they tried to fight in such a situation.This was also acknowledged by the fugitives of the destroyed Armenian army who escaped. Each of our soldiers is a hero for us. They have raised our stature, turned us into a victorious nation, and laid the foundation of a new heroic saga in our history. ”
S. Mohbaliyev added that the parents and family members of our martyrs, veterans and veterans have a big share in our victory: “Of course, the war is not without losses, we lost our brave sons. But in spite of this, the mothers, fathers, their wives and children of the martyrs stood their ground, demonstrated the true spirit of patriotism, and considered the Motherland above all values.As a sign of deep respect for our soldiers and officers, all our martyrs, who waved our glorious flag in our liberated lands, President Ilham Aliyev signed an order to mark September 27 – the Day of Remembrance  in our country. This is a sign of the highest respect for the souls of martyrs, the relatives of martyrs.Their place in our society is at the highest point. Both our state and society value them. The families of martyrs, as well as veterans are covered by comprehensive state care.During the war, Mr. President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited the hospital with parental care, met with our wounded soldiers, talked to them and inquired about the conditions of treatment. President Ilham Aliyev, who said, “I will always be with the veterans,” was in fact demonstrating his attitude to all war veterans in our society. The work done to rehabilitate the wounded war veterans and solve their social problems proves once again that our state is always with its soldiers.”In our  Karabakh, our glorious flag is proudly waving today. This was the greatest dream of every Azerbaijani, no matter where he lived. Landscaping works are being carried out in our territories looted by Armenian vandals. The real inhabitants of Karabakh and East Zangazur will soon return to their ancestral lands, and life in those lands will smile again. Our cultural capital, Shusha, is already very hospitable and hosts a number of significant events. The sound of music can be heard all over the world, and it makes each of us very proud. We believe that under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, our country will continue its success in all areas and maintain its leading position among the world powers, “the ATUC chairman concluded.