Sattar Mohbaliyev: “Mehriban Aliyeva successfully represents Azerbaijan in the world with her activity, noble and humane work”

“August 26 is the birthday of First Vice President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva.On my own behalf, as well as on behalf of the members of trade unions, I sincerely congratulate Mehriban Aliyeva on this occasion and wish her success and good health in all directions of her activity for the sake of our people and state.
Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva is one of the most valuable figures of our modern history. His work in the life of our state and people is appreciated and appreciated not only by the citizens of the country, but also by the world community. The principles of inexhaustible love and devotion to the Motherland, respect for national values, humanism, charity, great care and love for people stand at every point of his activity.
This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.
According to him, historically the role of our women in the life of the states and societies founded by our people was great: “they rendered special services in the creation and formation of the literary and cultural environment, in the socio-political fate of society, in the defense of the motherland.It is no coincidence that throughout our history, the concepts of Motherland and Mother have been equated.Thanks to Tomris, Nushaba, Sara Khatun, Tuti Bika, Khurshudbanu Natavan, Zarifa Aliyeva and other such selfless women, the Mother’s name has become as sacred as the Motherland.Our esteemed people never forget the people who have contributed to his life, they always give the value they deserve. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, who is connected with her history and ancestry, successfully continues this tradition.Positive traces of Mehriban Aliyeva are visible in all spheres of public life of our country. His multifaceted services cover a wide range of activities, from education to health, from sports to the promotion of our culture, from philanthropy to environmental protection.
“Mehriban Khanum, who works diligently in the development of national and moral values of our people, promotion of intangible heritage, protection of Customs and traditions, has won great love and endless love of people. In the first years of our independence, attention to mugham, which was considered the Pearl of our culture and the root of our musical history, was reduced. We can say that mugham performers were forgotten. Thanks to the attention and care of Mehriban Aliyeva, her initiatives and projects, the previous authority of mugham was restored. Mugham centers were opened in some cities and districts. Mr. President Ilham Aliyev and Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva attended the opening and met with representatives of this art. Mugham competitions were held in a row, and the talented people were discovered and revealed in this area. Today, the participants of these competitions are working hard to promote the art of mugham, ” the chairman of ATUC said.
The MP noted that when she was a member of the Milli Majlis, she regularly met with voters, inquired about their concerns, studied their opinions and suggestions, and took appropriate measures to address their social problems. He took an active part in the adoption of a number of important laws in the interests of our people. Her endless love for her homeland, deep respect for national and moral values, services in the socio-political life of the country, and inexhaustible love for the people are the main factors that led to her appointment as First Vice President of our country. Thanks to her capable political activity, high-level organizational skills, unique management features, and humanistic approach, Mehriban Aliyeva copes with this task with dignity. S.Mohbaliyev stressed that together with President Ilham Aliyev, Mehriban Aliyeva has made a great contribution to the development and implementation of the country’s development strategy, as well as the implementation of social, humanitarian and economic projects. . He always takes care of vulnerable groups, puts forward various initiatives to meet their social needs, sends them gifts on holidays and other significant days for our state. In addition, the families of martyrs and veterans are not left out of Mehriban Aliyeva’s attention. He personally supports the solution of almost all their problems and is closely involved in providing them with a house and a car.We also witness that hundreds of people apply to Mehriban Aliyeva with her health, education and other social problems. All of this is responded to immediately, and appropriate measures are taken to address the problems they face.The Heydar Aliyev Foundation, headed by Mehriban Aliyeva, was still in the lead during the strict quarantine in our country due to the pandemic.In the implementation of all social projects, we can say that the foundation was named. Social services for infants and children homes, boarding schools, children’s Psychoneurological Center, all social service institutions, including persons of retirement age, were regularly provided with dezinfection means, masks, other protective equipment and necessary needs within the framework of such anti-coronavirus measures.It is well known that Azerbaijan has been recognized by all countries as an exemplary country in the fight against the COVID-19 virus. This was even discussed at meetings of international organizations. Along with the state policy in this area, the services of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and its leader Mehriban Aliyeva are undeniable.“Certain programs and projects are being implemented at the initiative of Mehriban Aliyeva to ensure a high level of education for the country’s youth, mastery of modern sciences and increase the number of our educated and knowledgeable youth. In this regard, I would like to emphasize the “New School for a Renewing Azerbaijan” program. Under this program, more than 3,000 schools have been overhauled or rebuilt in accordance with modern requirements, provided with the necessary equipment, and all conditions have been created for young people to study in a normal environment. In addition, the implementation of programs such as “Boarding School Development Program”, “Support to Education” has been successfully implemented, all of which are of exceptional importance in the implementation of state education policy. “Creating favorable conditions in the teaching process, improving the quality of education in recent years has strengthened the integration of Azerbaijani education in the international educational space and has been the main guarantor of the success of Azerbaijani schoolchildren in international subject competitions,” he added.”Today, Azerbaijan is also known in the world as a country of sports. Growing up in a healthy environment, staying away from bad habits, in general, the comprehensive development of physical education in the country is a priority.

Today we can say with confidence that the sports policy successfully implemented by President Ilham Aliyev has a special place in the recognition and promotion of our state around the world.

As a member of the National Olympic Committee and the Executive Committee, as well as President of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, Mehriban Aliyeva has done great work in this area and made invaluable contributions to the sustainability of the sport.
The holding of the first European Games, IV Islamic Solidarity Games, Gymnastics World Cup in our country at a high level is due to its name and high organizational qualities.Of course, such international competitions have promoted the culture of our country, its international recognition as a country of sports, and thus led to a large influx of tourists to our country, “said the chairman of the Confederation.”Mehriban Aliyeva has created a positive image of Azerbaijani women through her activities. He successfully represents Azerbaijan in the world, both in the life of the country and at the international level with his noble and humane work.With these good deeds, the Azerbaijani woman raised her name high. Her success at the international level is also the success of Azerbaijani women. We can proudly say that today an Azerbaijani woman is a Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO. Today, on the initiative of Azerbaijani women, charity events are held in Muslim countries, ongoing projects related to the education and health of Muslim children are being implemented, and schools are being built abroad. This work shows that the benevolent and progressive mission is aimed at benefiting the people of the world and serves to educate the people of the world. These are the services of an Azerbaijani woman in the example of Mehriban Aliyeva, an example of kindness, compassion and humanity, ”Mohbaliyev concluded.