ATUC chairman inquired about the state of health and recreation centers of trade unions in Nabran

Trade unions have always focused on the creation of conditions for recreation, rehabilitation, treatment, protection and strengthening of health, the right to leave for this purpose, the organization of leisure time more effectively and meaningfully. Today, there are dozens of recreation centers, sanatoriums and health camps in the beautiful corners of our country. Hundreds of trade union members and their families are provided with vouchers every year, and all conditions are created for their normal rest. This, of course, is welcomed by the members of the union and creates an incentive for them to act more effectively.Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev regularly visits sanatoriums and resorts owned by trade unions, gets acquainted with the conditions created for recreation, talks to vacationers and is interested in how they relax.On August 27, the ATUC chairman once again got acquainted with the situation in the recreation centers of trade unions located in Nabran settlement of Khachmaz region.Arriving at the Khazar Recreation Center of the Tourism and Excursions Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, S. Mohbaliyev toured the rooms and cottages where the guests stayed, got acquainted with the conditions created for their rest, inspected the canteen and the area. He was also interested in the conditions of compliance with the rules of the special quarantine regime adopted by the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers. The center said that the recreation center is regularly washed and disinfected with a special solution, employees and vacationers are explained the importance of hygiene, social distance, the need to use medical masks indoors, and relevant recommendations are given. It was noted that vacationers are required to have a “COVID-19 vaccine certificate” for coronavirus vaccination (in two doses). The chairman noted that the number of infected people in the country has recently increased, so it is important to follow all the rules required to protect against the virus. Then the ATUC chairman talked to the people resting in the center, inquired about their rest, studied their opinions and suggestions.
The next review was held at the “Ulfat” Recreation Center of the Trade Union of State Agencies and Public Service Workers. Built in 2010, the recreation center is located one kilometer from the sea. There are cottages and three two-storey recreation buildings available to guests. The center has all the conditions for 96 people to relax at the same time and about 1000 people during the season.

The chairman of ATUC also visited the “education” recreation center of the Free Trade Union of Education Workers of Azerbaijan. In June 2013, the resort covers an area of more than 10 hectares. It includes a three-storey residential building, cottages, dining room, gym, football and volleyball courts, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, First Aid Room, internet Club, conference hall and other buildings. At the same time, 265 people are resting in the center. The river passing through the recreation center surrounded by forest on four sides and the preservation of biodiversity of the area make this place a suitable place for recreation. In general, about 1500 members of the trade union rest here during the season. Viewing the Recreation Center, the chairman got acquainted with the conditions created here and ordered strict observance of technical safety rules and cleanliness.Speaking to vacationers and journalists, the ATUC chairman said that the protection of the health of the country’s citizens, the organization of recreation is always in the focus of President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva. all conditions are created for people to rest comfortably. The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan and its member organizations are trying to fulfill their duties in this area. Every year, thousands of our citizens have the opportunity to relax with their families in the charming corners of Azerbaijan through trade unions. We are always interested in the conditions in the recreation centers, how the facilities are maintained, compliance with safety rules, the level of service. We want the guests to leave here satisfied and satisfied with the conditions created. This is our main desire. During my conversations with vacationers here, I specifically recommended that they follow the rules of hygiene to protect themselves from the coronavirus. This is important to protect the health of them and their loved ones.”Hundreds of our citizens are provided with permanent and seasonal jobs in our recreation centers, which is an important contribution to employment,” he said.

Mohbaliyev noted that today, as a result of high state care, all recreation centers on the balance of the ATUC are being reconstructed, brought into line with modern requirements, and ample opportunities for recreation are being created. It is planned to build new buildings in “Education”, “Ulfat”, “Rabitachi” and other recreation centers. There are IDPs in a part of the Khazar Recreation Center. After they return to their homes, we will start major repairs here.