3.Sattar Mohbaliyev: “The work to improve the social conditions of the families of martyrs and veterans is carried out consistently and systematically”

“The families, parents, relatives of our heroic sons, who were killed in both the First Karabakh and the 44-day Patriotic War, as well as people with disabilities and veterans of both wars, are covered by comprehensive state care. During the presidency of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the improvement of the social situation of this category of people was the main policy of the state. They were provided with apartments and cars, provided with jobs, and other problems were eliminated. This tradition is being continued with dignity by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the successful successor of the National Leader. Immediately after the end of the Patriotic War, which ensured our historic victory, our President gave instructions about the families of martyrs, veterans, war veterans, as well as our people affected by the war, and they were completely taken care of by the state.

This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.

According to him, the Patriotic War, which began successfully under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and ended in victory, is a heroic epic of the Azerbaijani people: “The unity of our people, like an iron fist, was the main guarantor of our victory. Today, our martyrs, veterans, in general, all war veterans have a great reputation in our society, our people remember our martyrs with great respect, cherish their memories, treat our veterans with respect. This is also our civic duty. They did not spare their lives for the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. The whole world, including the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, spoke about the heroism of the Azerbaijani military. Our strategic and tactical military operations in the Great Patriotic War opened a new page in the history of world war. Everyone who took part in the war is a part of our victory. By the orders of Mr. President, they were awarded medals and gained the status they deserved. All this is the attention and care of our state under the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev.
“The work done to improve the social conditions of the families of martyrs and war invalids is carried out consistently and systematically. On August 26, less than a year after the end of the war, the state provided 300 apartments to the families of martyrs, war invalids and Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, as well as 50 cars to war invalids. The personal participation of Mr. President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva in the ceremony is a clear demonstration of their attention to this issue. The head of state personally met with the families of martyrs and veterans and spoke about the heroism of our servicemen. It seems that our state is always with them, doing its best to solve all their problems. Since 1997, members of the families of martyrs have been provided with 10,500 apartments and private houses. Nowhere in the world is the attention paid to the implementation of such social projects as in Azerbaijan. This is an integral part of Mr. President’s humane political activity. New programs in this area have been approved by an order signed by the President in January this year. Thus, in 2021-2025, the families of martyrs will be provided with 11,000 apartments and private houses. Therefore, this policy of the state will be continued, “the ATUC chairman said.
S.Mohbaliyev noted that the attention and care of the state is not limited to this, the families of martyrs and veterans are provided with jobs, involved in self-employment programs, public works, rehabilitation services, as well as wounded and unhealthy servicemen are provided with the latest generation prostheses.

“During his speech at the ceremony, Mr. President described the current situation in Armenia very well. He said that calling Armenia an independent country is completely unfounded. Indeed, they are unable to protect their borders, provide security, or have an independent economy. This state, established in foreign lands, has always been a puppet of other countries and was created for political purposes. They were the victims of their occupation policy. “It is difficult to remember the policy of occupation, which has collapsed due to the impact of the iron fist on their heads,” he said.