Sattar Mohbaliyev: “Zhirinovsky’s speech is another provocation attempt provoked by pro-Armenian forces”


It is no secret that from the first day of Zhirinovsky’s appearance on the Russian political scene, he portrayed the extravagant Lady Gaga. Insults against national minorities, absurd ideas such as returning to the borders of the former Russian Empire or rebuilding the USSR, demonstrations of rudeness, such as pouring juice on an opponent when there is no argument in the televised debates… All this has no influence in the political arena These are the tricks used by this poor politician, who has not been able to win and has no weight, to prove himself and stay on the agenda. On the one hand, a clear demonstration of anti-Turkish sentiment is a necessary condition for Zhirinovsky to be constantly fed by Armenian fans. ”

The statement came from Sattar Mohbaliyev, MP, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation.

The MP said that the last speech of Russian State Duma deputy V. Zhirinovsky threatening Azerbaijan was another provocative attempt based on the next orders of Armenians and pro-Armenian forces who want to damage relations between our countries. If it were sounded, it would be possible to assume that the events would develop in an undesirable way. But as I said, this is Zhirinovsky. Vovka Zhirinovsky. It is Zhirinovsky who last year offered to unite Armenia with Russia in order to get rid of Azerbaijan’s justified anger. How can it be taken seriously? Today, the historic victory of Azerbaijan in the Great Patriotic War has brought joy to many of our friends, as well as left many of our enemies sleepless at night. Therefore, someone is trying to downplay the historical significance of this great Victory, and someone wants to share in this Victory. In his obscene and illogical speech, Zhirinovsky also hints that Russia has “agreed” to Azerbaijan’s victory. Well, if there is an agreement, then how do we understand the armament of Armenia on the eve of military operations? No, Mr. Zhirinovsky, today Azerbaijan no longer needs anyone’s consent or permission to get its due. It will not be necessary after that. Azerbaijan has already demonstrated to the world that it is a strong enough state and can immediately and decisively prevent any foreign intervention at any time. Azerbaijan, under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, liberated its lands from occupation, and if Armenia tries to evade compliance with a single clause of the November 10 tripartite declaration, the Iron Fist will strike it again. Let everyone be sure that no force, especially Zhirinovsky’s uneducated racist speeches, can prevent Azerbaijan. Let him entertain his Armenian audience with the old tunes he plays on his trumpet. ”

Sattar Mohbaliyev also noted that threatening Azerbaijan with a coup d’etat can only come to the mind of a backward man like Zhirinovsky. He still does not understand that it is impossible to speak in a threatening language with Azerbaijan and with the President of Azerbaijan. The atmosphere of national unity and solidarity that exists in our country today has probably never been experienced at this level in any other country in the world. This threatens us with a coup. Of course, what more can be expected from a political adventurer who does not know what power-people’s unity is, who bases all his activities only on the orders of the Armenian lobby, and who has no principles? But we respect all our troops. At the same time, we demand this respect for ourselves, and we have a right to do so.

As for the Azerbaijani-Russian relations, as a result of the pragmatic policy pursued by the Presidents of the two countries today, the relations of friendship and mutual cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia are developing in the desired direction. Undoubtedly, the further expansion of these relations is in the interests of our peoples. “