Sattar Mohbaliyev: “EU views Azerbaijan as a leader in the region”


An online meeting of the Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) was held on August 12.

Opening the meeting, ATUC Chairman, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev discussed the agenda of the meeting, the work plan of the ATUC Executive Committee and Office for the second half of 2021, partial changes in the composition of the ATUC Assembly and Executive Committee, allocation of financial assistance to the Tourism and Excursions Council. He also informed about the allocation of funds to the YASHAT Foundation, the Karabakh Revival Fund, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s Regional Development Public Union, assistance in connection with forest fires in Turkey, as well as other current and organizational issues.

The work plan of the Executive Committee and the Office of the ATUC for the second half of 2021 includes the convening of the IV Meeting of the ATUC, the awarding of the honorary title of “Professional Youth of the Year” to young people who have achieved special achievements in labor, education and social activities in 2020. Implementation of the decision of the President, approval of the budget of expenses financed by the ATUC for the implementation of sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation measures of the Insured, ensuring the participation of ATUC representatives in international events related to trade union activities. The work plan also analyzes the activities of technical labor inspectors of trade unions in the first half of 2021, to prepare proposals to eliminate the causes of accidents, to meet the safety requirements in the sanatorium-resort enterprises belonging to trade unions in connection with the summer season and to provide practical assistance, to prepare methodological manuals for trade union committees, labor protection commissions, public commissioners on labor protection, to participate in the organization of events dedicated to the World Decent Work Day (October 7) and to work in the workplace due to unfavorable epidemiological conditions caused by the pandemic to provide practical assistance to TUCs in complying with the requirements of protection, to ensure timely and reasoned responses to applications and letters received by ATUC, to unite trade unions in the post-pandemic period It is planned to plan the work to be done by the government and other current issues.

During the discussion on the allocation of financial assistance, it was noted that the YASHAT Foundation, as an institutional initiative of the state, reflects the humanitarian mission, society and state unity in its activities. The establishment of the fund is a manifestation of President Ilham Aliyev’s care for veterans and the families of martyrs. It was noted that it is the sacred duty of each of us to pay attention to the families of martyrs and veterans. We must not forget that they did not spare their lives for our state and homeland. All such initiatives put forward by our state have always been supported at the highest level by the ATUC and member organizations, and donations have been regularly transferred to the accounts of such social funds. It was noted that the ATUC has so far transferred 586,510 manat to the YASHAT Foundation.

In addition, it was noted that the Karabakh Revival Fund is an integral part of the state’s Karabakh policy. Under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, our liberated territories are being completely reconstructed, infrastructure is being created, modern cities, settlements and villages are being built, a peaceful, safe and comfortable life is coming to the region. Some major projects are nearing completion. The Karabakh Revival Foundation is a good platform to have a stake in the restoration of these territories. After the restoration of life in the region, the economic power of our country will increase and every citizen will feel it in their lives. It was also added that the ATUC has so far transferred 600,000 manat to the Karabakh Revival Fund, and this tradition will be continued.

Concerns about forest fires in Turkey and the resulting loss of life were then brought to the attention of the participants. It was noted that Azerbaijan and Turkey stand by each other in the most pleasant and difficult days, and this is a fraternal relationship. Everyone witnessed the moral and political support of brotherly Turkey to Azerbaijan in the 44-day war. Azerbaijan also reacted as soon as forest fires broke out in Turkey. Azerbaijan stood by Turkey without hesitation in extinguishing the fires and preventing their consequences. 1 helicopter, 1 amphibious firefighting plane, 93 vehicles and 710 firefighters were sent from Turkey to help our country. Almost all the media of the country spoke about the selflessness of our firefighters, and it became a topic of discussion on social networks. At the same time, ATUC Chairman, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev expressed his condolences to the chairmen of the Turkish trade unions in connection with the deaths in the fires. It was noted that the forces that intend to weaken Turkey with such provocations are mistaken. Turkey is a country with an ancient history and today is a leader in the region.

Members of the Executive Committee also discussed and exchanged views on other issues on the agenda.

The members of the Executive Committee unanimously approved the work plan for the second half of the year and the decisions on partial changes in the composition of the Assembly and the Executive Committee of the ATUC. It was decided to allocate funds to the Tourism and Excursions Council, the YASHAT Foundation, the Karabakh Revival Fund, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s Regional Development Public Union, as well as the friendly country in connection with the forest fires in Turkey.

At the meeting, ATUC Chairman, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev recommended that trade union leaders should pay more attention to the appeals of employees illegally dismissed and laid off by employers and the importance of concluding collective agreements by all trade unions. Mohbaliyev also stressed the importance of attracting non-union workers to trade unions, increasing the number of trade unions, protecting the socio-economic rights of workers, giving them appropriate proposals during the adoption of legislation and active public control. He also stressed the need to pay attention to the applications and complaints of employees, to ensure the close participation of each trade union employee in solving their problems.