Sattar Mohbaliyev: “Armenia needs more projects to be implemented by Azerbaijan”

“During the war, as on all fronts, Mr. President was at the forefront of the information front. At that time, in an interview with about 30 influential media outlets around the world, the head of state conveyed the realities of Azerbaijan to the world. The propaganda of the pro-Armenian forces and their supporters, who are waging a black campaign against our country, was overturned. In those interviews, the whole world witnessed the leadership qualities, diplomatic skills and experience of the President of Azerbaijan, his logical answers based on facts, his restrained approach to provocative questions and his iron will. Shortly afterwards, journalists, political and military experts covering the Great Patriotic War began to refer to the views and facts voiced by President Ilham Aliyev in his interviews. This meant the victory of our country on the information front. “
This was stated by the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev.
“In an interview with the well-known Turkish television channel CNN Turk, Mr. President gave detailed information about the situation after the war, the work done and to be done, the upcoming tasks, and acquainted the public with the new picture created in the region. In his answers, every visit of Mr. President was followed by calls for peace. It also shows how humane and peaceful the head of the country is. Mr. President also tried to resolve the conflict peacefully for a long time before the  war. He waited with restraint and patience, but unequivocally stated that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan could not be the subject of discussion. In this interview, we witnessed the unchanged position of Mr. President. Everyone knew that for the signing of the peace treaty Armenia must recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. This is an irrefutable reality that Armenia must accept, ” Mohbaliyev said.
“In his interview, Mr. President once again revealed the truth and revealed the aggressive nature of Armenia by giving a brief summary of the events that led to the war. During the conflict, our President repeatedly stated that Azerbaijan is committed to negotiations. But Armenia tried to disrupt this process by committing various political and military provocations. Armenia’s military provocations also contributed to the war. Targeting civilians and regular military provocations made war inevitable. We can say with confidence that the situation has changed. The new realities created by Azerbaijan prevail in the region, and Armenia’s acceptance of this means the salvation of this state. The situation in Armenia is not a secret to anyone, the population lives in poverty, unemployment is rising, the number of people fleeing the country is constantly growing, in general, the socio-economic situation is very difficult. The opening of the Zangazur corridor will be beneficial not only for the countries of the region, but also for Armenia, and will facilitate transport with Iran and Russia. Mr. President stated that there may be other transport projects with Armenia and the possibility of restoring trade relations. It seems that Armenia needs all these projects more. A government that cares about the well-being of its people should not miss this opportunity, “said the ATUC chairman.
“In an interview, Mr. President also commented on the deployment of Armenian troops in Azerbaijani territories controlled by Russian peacekeepers through the Lachin corridor. It is clear that Armenia is ignoring the November 10 Tripartite Declaration and is preparing for further provocations that will destroy its country.
Of course, the end of such actions will be very difficult for Armenia. This country does not have the courage to speak the language of war with Azerbaijan. With which army will they face us !? There are no traces of the Armenian army, which they propagated as invincible. Let them raise their heads and look at the Park of Military Loot in Baku, maybe then they will understand the reality, “he said.
“Turkey, as always, stood by Azerbaijan in the Great Patriotic War without hesitation, provided moral and political support.
. Turkey’s military and political power is no secret. It is considered a leading state in the region. We have brotherly relations with Turkey and cooperate in all areas. The presidents of both countries have played an undeniable role in bringing our relations to this level. In his interview, President Ilham Aliyev recommended future generations to continue our path and be committed to friendship and brotherhood, “Mohbaliyev added.