ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev was awarded an honorary diplom


Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev was awarded an Honorary Decree for his support and selfless work in the Patriotic War for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The commander of military unit N, Major General Mais Barkhudarov signed a relevant order.

It should be noted that, as always, the Azerbaijani trade unions, like during the Great Patriotic War, united around the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev like an iron fist to our glorious Army, military units, including soldiers and officers, as well as those operating in the rear. has taken a number of measures to provide material and moral support to our citizens.

First of all, the trade union leaders were always in the background and explained to them the reasons for the Great Patriotic War, the essence of the decisions and resolutions of international organizations, including the UN, ECO, Non-Aligned Movement, the European Union, the Council of Europe and others.

President Ilham Aliyev also addressed the nation, gave interviews to foreign media, the reasons for the war in Azerbaijan, the tasks facing our Army in this just war, the biased positions of some organizations, the peaceful coexistence of Azerbaijani and Armenian citizens in the postwar period and other issues. Opinions were conveyed not only to trade union members, but also to the population.

Azerbaijani trade unions spent a total of 4,154,207 manat on events related to the Great Patriotic War. Of this, 1,005,000 manat was transferred to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund by ATUC and its member organizations.

In addition, food aid and financial support worth 1,860,582 manat were provided to the armed forces and people living near the frontline.

In addition, funds were paid to the YASHAT Foundation and the Karabakh Revival Fund, which amounted to 537,750 and 600,000 manat, respectively.

The ATUC is always interested in the care of the families of martyrs, helps to solve the problems they face, protects their rights, and constantly provides them with material and moral support. True to this tradition, 41 children of 23 families of martyrs killed in the battles of Tovuz in April 2016 and July 2020 were taken into care. These minors will be paid 150 manat per month until they reach the age of 18. This is a total of 885,600 manat.

In addition, the ATUC Executive Committee decided to take care of another 129 families of soldiers and officers killed in the Great Patriotic War and to pay 100 manat per month to each family.

ATUC member organizations – the Republican Committee of the Free Trade Union of Educators of Azerbaijan, Public Administration and Public Service Workers RCC, Oil and Gas Industry Workers RCC, Cultural Workers RCC, Azersu Economic Workers RCC special activity in the implementation of all these measures showed.

Thus, more than 18 district committees of ATIAHI provided warm clothes and other assistance to the families of more than 320 educators fighting on the frontline, educators whose children fought on the frontline, as well as about 8,000 families living near the frontline. A total of 665,800 manat was spent for this purpose.

Government and Public Service Workers also took an active part in the process to support the military, visit wounded in hospitals and purchase necessary items, as well as transfer money to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund, for a total of 174,110. manats were spent.

Oil and Gas Industry Workers spent a total of 106,862 manat to provide financial assistance to the families of martyrs, distribute material and food aid to the families of soldiers, as well as transfer money to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund.

Azersu Farm Workers’ Union also spent a total of 128,400 manat on the families of martyrs and veterans.

Motor Transport and Road Workers provided financial support to 22 families living and affected in the Armenian-bombed cities of Ganja, Naftalan, as well as Goranboy, Tartar and Barda, and provided an electronic generator to military unit N in Naftalan. In addition, all kinds of assistance was provided to soldiers fighting on the frontline and servicemen wounded in battles and treated in hospitals. A total of 52,445 manat was spent for these purposes.

The families of the martyrs, veterans, their families and other aid workers thanked President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva for their attention and care.